
Fee Calculator

To receive an estimate of your 2024 school fees please use the following fee calculator. 
An estimate will be viewable online as well as emailed to your nominated address.

Note that the student tuition fee at ÿÈճԹϱ¬ÁÏ is all inclusive and includes all camps, excursions and elective subjects. With the exception of a small number of optional activities (see following) there are NO additional charges applied to your account. 

Charges for ALL standard curriculum-based excursions and camps are INCLUDED in the tuition fees for all students. The only exception to this is the optional student activities, such as mission trips (Compassion, AIM, etc), Duke of Edinburgh activities, Year 10 Dinner Dance, Year 12 Formal, curriculum based (Tonga Geography, Japanese, PDHPE Ski) trips and extra-curricular activities (Music Tutor and Band Program, instrument hire).