
Core Purpose & Mission Goals

Core Purpose Statement:

The purpose of GPCC is to equip students for a life of redemptive action through a holistic education grounded in a Biblical perspective.

Mission Goals:

1. Students: The formation of students who display the attributes of the GPCC Graduate Profile.
2. Staff: The development of quality staff who serve our students well.
3. Parents: The support of families as the cornerstone of a flourishing society.

GPCC Graduate Profile:

We are designed in God's image and fulfil our humanity most when we reflect His characteristics.

We are designed for relationship and co-operation, and flourish when we work together with others.

We are designed for on-going discovery of ourselves, others, the world and the Creator.

We are designed as thinkers and given responsibility to be co-creators with the Great Creator.

We are designed to serve and help others, and to redeem the brokenness of the world.
